Thursday, November 22, 2012

Essential Oils for the Caregiver's Soul!

I love the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. The uplifting stories are so inspiring and encouraging. Words can create an environment of peace and healing. Essential oils can have this same affect. At this very moment, I am diffusing an calming and uplifting blend of wild orange and a proprietary blend called Elevation. There is a vibrational energy associated with oils. To explain what I mean by vibrational energy, this is a scientific principle which defines all matter with a frequency level. By using essential oils with a calming or uplifting frequency, we can actually create this environment in our own bodies.

Currently I am reading Valerie Wormwood’s book Aromatherapy for the Soul. She does a wonderful job exploring essential oils and sharing how properties of the oils are so much more than the smell.I am enjoying exploring the different vibrational energies of the oils. My favorites right now are the grounding, meditative oils. Like the picture I chose for this post. Walking through a peaceful forest like the one pictured evokes feelings of calmness and grounding.


During prayer and meditation for me, it is often easy to get distracted and allow sporatic thoughts to overtake my mind. This is a great use of essential oils because when you use oils that are more grounding and meditative, you usually aren’t sidetracked with other memories associated with some smells like cookies baking or grandmother’s perfume. I use meditative oils like Frankincense and Myrrh, and grounding oils like Sandalwood and Patchouli.
Healing Oils of the Bible by David Stewart is another favorite of mine. There are over 188 references to essential oils in the Bible. Essential oils have been around the world from the beginning of time, and only in the past few years have these precious oils been explored in North America for their holistic healing properties.


As a holistic nurse, I believe our health is more than our physical bodies. It is my belief that only when we approach health from a physicial, emotional, and spiritual framework can true healing begin. Healing doesn’t always mean curing. Healing can be an emotional letting go, even in times of transition from this life through the doors of leaving this world. Another favorite book of mine is Emotional Healing with Essential Oils.


Create a space for healing, prayer, meditation, and worship. This area needs to be clean, cleared, and de-cluttered. Set up your diffuser with a nice meditative or grounding blend. You can contact me directly at to discuss the oils I use and what is suggested for your particular need. Create a peaceful environment by placing a comfortable chair and soft lighting system. I am adding a waterfall fountain table top piece to my room where I write, pray, have my Bible study.


Properties of essential oils can can include relaxation, emotional release, stress reduction, energy, spiritual healing, balance, meditative, focus, grounding, centering, releasing, any many more. Don’t you feel overwhelmed many days by the hustle and bustle of responsibilities and duties? Taking time to step back, breathe, and become still for even a few minutes can often times bring balance to your energy that will enable you to continue without all the stress and disruption in your spirit.

Joyce Harrell, RN, OCN is a Christian holistic nurse who provides natural solutions to common health problems. Joyce utilizes the art of nursing by implementing essential oils, wellness coaching, and nutritional therapy to help you create an environment for your body to best heal. Joyce uses Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oils from doTERRA and you can find the oils she uses at
Joyce is a wife, mother, nana, author, holistic healer, and above all committed to her relationship with God. You can find Joyce at

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