Thursday, November 22, 2012

Naturals Solutions For Your Healthy Kids

As a mom, do you wonder how you can implement more natural solutions for common childhood concerns? Essential oils can be utilized in a safe, effective manner for your children. There are a few safety issues, and I’ll discuss them in this article, as well as give some simple ideas on how you can start

There are so many health benefits of essential oils. There are also therapeutic benefits to essential oils. But how can you use essential oils to tackle common childhood issues? Learning to use essential oils with children is a very simple but effective way of handling common challenges in the young. The oils are non-invasive and usually a pleasant experience for them.

Topical Applications

When applying oils topically, it is often times best to dilute the oils in a good carrier oil like a pure fractionated coconut oil. The younger the child, say for instance an infant, it’s best to use 1-2 drops in two tablespoons of carrier oil. You can use less carrier oil for children as they get older. Common places of application are the feet, back, stomach, chest, and behind the ears.

Safety Precautions

A few safety precautions with children are to be mentioned. Keep all oils out of the reach of children. It’s always best to be on the side of caution with children. If a child accidentally ingests essential oils, have the child drink something like milk and call the poison control center. The oils are not typically going to cause an issue. However, they are so concentrated, most children will probably spit out the few drops because it won’t be pleasant. Your citrus oils are also photosensitive as well as a few others so you wouldn’t want to place directly on the skin and then go out into the sun. I have a great guide called Modern Essentials that every mom should invest in.

10 Common Childhood Issues and the Recommended Essential Oils

Let’s discuss 10 common issues and what oils are generally recommended.
1.) Colic: I love Roman Chamomile with a little lavender applied to the feet, stomach and back. Be sure to dilute in a carrier oil. It only takes a drop of each.

2.) Diaper Rash: Lavender is a wonderful oil to use. Be sure again to dilute. Use 1 to 2 drops.

3.) Earache: Tea Tree oil (melaleuca) is great for earache. You can dilute lavender, chamomile and melaleuca in the fractionated coconut oil and dab behind the ear. Don’t put directly into the ear canal. You can place it all around the ear though. You can also place diluted oregano on the bottoms of the feet to help with the bacterial part of the earache. I am not taking the place of your physician or giving medical advice. So, always consult your health care provider when a child’s condition doesn’t improve. You can apply this as often as needed.

4.) Fever: Diluting lavender and peppermint oil and applying to the bottoms of the feet, neck, and back is a nice way to help bring down a fever. You can apply as often as needed.

5.) Cuts: Lavender is great for rashes, cuts, and sunburn. Again, dilute.

6.) Bedtime: My favorite standby is lavender. When two of my grandchildren were born, I made a lot of rubs and lotions with lavender oil. It’s best to apply lavender lotion after a bath.

7.) Cradle Cap: A drop of lemon a
nd geranium oil diluted can be rubbed into the scalp.

8.) Coughing: I use a combination of oils diluted on my grandson’s chest which helps with his coughing. He loves it! Right away I can tell his breathing is better and his coughing improves. I use a blend that has oils such as ravensara, peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus. I don’t usually use eucalyptus by itself. There are some divided schools of though on this oil by itself and children. Some caution not to use it as in some asthatic children it may make them worse.

9.) Flu/Cold Season: I am always diffusing oil blends that have anti-viral properties like lemon, clove, cinnamon, and tea tree. Prevention is easier to deal with than after they already get sick.

10.) Chicken Pox: When your child gets chicken pox, those breakout areas can be so uncomfortable. Try adding a few drops of lavender and chamomile oil to Calamine lotion before applying.

These are just a few tips for using essential oils on your children. Some information was obtained from Modern Essentials. The others were from my own experience. Do you use essential oils in your home? Not only are they safe and natural, but per use, you can recognize a cost savings. I use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils, and you can purchase your essential oils wholesale like I do and save 25% and more on your your needs.
How do you use essential oils to help with common childhood illnesses?
Joyce Harrell, RN, OCN is a holistic nurse who provides natural solutions for health and home. Joyce utilizes the art of nursing by implementing essential oils, herbal simples, wellness coaching, and nutritional therapy to help you create an environment for your body to best heal.

Joyce is a wife, mother, nana, author, holistic healer, and above all committed to her relationship with God. You can find Joyce at  or on Facebook at

Disclaimer: I do not diagnosis, treat, or prescribe t?herapy. I encourage you to follow up with your health care provider with any health concerns. I use some natural solutions and share my experiences and also information from my research and reading.

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